The MVEC caters for people interested in vehicles of any make, age or condition. It is the Club's aim to promote, encourage and foster such motor vehicle enthusiasm - as the name suggests!
The MVEC was formed in March 1986, incorporated in July 1987, and a sub branch in Katherine commenced in 1989.
Members enjoy an active and varied social calendar including breakfast runs, motorkhanas, barbecues, camping trips, picnics, working bees - and fund raisers for charitable associations for disabled persons (particularly children).
Club members are happy to share their experiences and knowledge with fellow enthusiasts, and the Club library provides valuable reference material. There is a register of members vehicles, and a growing photographic collection.
Club members, through MVEC membership, are able to obtain VCC registration for suitably qualified vehicles and bikes.
The monthly newsletter contains minutes of meetings, events calendar, reports, graphics, cartoons, sale items, advertisements and snippets of general interest and information.
The MVEC maintains a Headquarters in the QANTAS Hangar, McDonald Street, Parap which it leases from the NT Government. The MVEC uses the Hangar to store and maintain its vehicles and members (with Committee permission) are able to restore their vehicles in the hangar.
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month in the club headquarter's, the QANTAS Hangar, commencing at 7.30 pm.
If you are interested in joining, please contact the Club.
PO Box 911, DARWIN NT 0801 or email ( or Phone (08) 8999
6444 (Stuart Duncan)
John Price
General Committee member
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