The results of this loan payment calculator are for comparison purposes only. They will be a close approximation of actual loan repayments if available at the terms entered, from a financial institution. This is being provided for you to plan your next loan application. To use, enter values for the Loan Amount, Number of Months for Loan, and the Interest Rate (e.g. 7.25), and click the Calculate button. Clicking the Reset button will clear entered values.

Description Data Entry
Loan Amount
Loan Length in Months
Interest Rate
Monthly PaymentCalculated
Enter only numeric values (no commas), using decimal points where needed.
Non-numeric values will cause errors.

This is an information service only for both mortgage and general (automotive) Finance. Interest rates vary according to individual financing options.

If you're looking to finance the purchase of a new or used vehicle or re-finance an existing vehicle, simply fill in the details you would like us to know and we will provide you with a very competitive, obligation free quote by return email. If you would like us to call you to discuss your options, if you wish, nominate a time best suited to you. Please Email. Finance solutions are available on all makes and models of vehicles.

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